Wednesday 17 October 2012

The Impact of HCI on Culture


One of the main impacts that HCI has on Culture is how it de-skills work this is when a machine takes the role of a person this then in turn reduces the amount of people working and speeds up economy, however this might not be a bad thing as it reduces the amount of low skilled jobs and forces people to get better education to get better jobs.

HCI advancements are everywhere even in your house for example using a dust pan and brush to clean a floor was normal until some came up with a better idea that made it quicker and more efficient, the hover, this is an example of how HCI affects us every day, however with most things there is a price increase for product that performs better and quicker.
Mobile phones have been changed by HCI for culture as they are now compatible with many different languages as well as having in built translators so that you can understand people from other cultures.

1 comment:

  1. You are commenting on the use of HCI and it's impact rather than individual devices. It's about the given method of interaction.
